VR展示 – ‘alles’ | virtual Burn 2021 (BRCvr)
昨年に続きVRで開催されることになったバーニングマンの公式イベントBRCvr 2021に、オーディオビジュアル作品”alles” を披露させていただきます。各回、限定50名となるので、少し早めに入室していただければ、入れると思います。
BRCvr 参加は予約制(無料)でこちらから、登録お願いします。ヘッドマウントディスプレイもしくは、PC/Mac等で専用アプリ(AltspaceVR)を通じてアクセスします。手順はこちらのサイトをご参照ください。
We hope to see you in the digital dust
上映日時(ご自身のいる時間帯となります。ex. 日本はJST参照):
8月30日 [ 07:00(PDT) / 16:00(CET) / 23:00(JST) ]
9月01日 [ 00:00(PDT) / 09:00(CET) / 16:00(JST) ]
9月03日 [ 07:00(PDT) / 16:00(CET) / 23:00(JST) ]
9月05日 [ 00:00(PDT) / 09:00(CET) / 16:00(JST) ]
9月07日 [ 07:00(PDT) / 16:00(CET) / 23:00(JST) ]
1. Download the app at https://altvr.com/ for PC or Mac. Select “2D mode”. For virtual reality headsets, search for Altspace in the storefronts to download.
2. Once downloaded, select “Sign Up” to create an account.
3. Enter your details (Make sure you remember your email, username & password)
4. Do the tutorial (recommended)
5. When you’ve registered, hit the Settings button and switch on the top two options: Participate in Early Access Program and Enable Worlds Beta.
6. These must both be ‘on’ to see all of the worlds our Burner family have created.
Link to detailed instructions here.
Great video to walk you through the process of setting up your free Altspace account.
‘alles’ is an Audio-Visual performance composed of Japanese visual artist Acci Baba and Iranian percussionist Mohammad Reza Mortazavi. The work explores the synchronicity among optical-sonic archetypes, emerging from the improvised and sequenced expressions.
The phenomena-like experience navigates viewers into the timeless perception, encountering an imaginary universe and non-physical metaverse. Through the timeless perception, ‘alles’ is an artistic attempt to recognize ourselves as a part of a whole.
The recorded performance will be projected into the screen located in the virtual world, engaging into an immersive experience for virtual Burn 2021 (BRCvr).
ACCI BABA (concept, direction, visual, vr composition). MOHAMMAD REZA MORTAZAVI (concept, acoustic drum, music). SATOSHI OKAMOTO (sound mastering, music) . sub-tle. / YU MIYASHITA / alphabeta (additional music). RYOHEI TSUTSUI / BASTI HOFMANN / studio BABA (co-production). With Support from Patreon (Crowd Funding) / Keio Univ. SFC / zumikon-Kulturstiftung. Recorded & Broadcasted from Urban Collective, Berlin.
*– BRCvr is a diverse creative Burning Man-inspired community who build immersive and inclusive social experiences that encourage collaboration, elevate artists and delight participants. https://brcvr.org/