Code of Silence
Code of Silence
Code of Silence
Code of Silence

-Three wise monkeys- An universally recognized symbol underlying the meaning of ‘No see, No hear, No speak’. Also known as ‘Code of Silence’. This symbol dates back to ancient Egypt, ancient Indus, medieval Europe, and Asia. Some studies explain this symbol having roots in ancient India folklore, representing ‘Hanumān’-‘a monkey wanting to reach the Sun’. Famous sculpture is located at ‘Nikko Toshogu Shrine’, Japan having shrine name of ‘sun light’. Calligraphic symbol of ‘神’ (god), is constructed among elements meaning ‘示 (indicate)’,‘申 (monkey)’.
-domino- Word root is said to be related to ‘dominus’ in Latin, meaning ‘lord, owner’. Relating words are dominant, dominated, domination that has relevance with the root meaning of ‘domino’.
-0-sunya‘ in Sanskrit, meaning emptiness. A fundamental concept in Buddhism. Empty circle resembling a space.
-1- It represents a single entity. First odd number in the natural numbers. Sometime referred as ‘unity’. Atomic number of Hydrogen, an element consisting most of the mass of the universe.
-3- Number of monkeys embossed on each domino tile.
-3.14159265- The approximated ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, known as mathematical constant of π.
-7- Old Hindu text explains; ‘Every universe is covered by 7 layers (- Bhagavata Purana, 6.16.37) ’. Considered a god number in ancient Egypt. A prime number.
-37- Total number of domino tiles in vertical row. Total number of domino tiles in horizontal row 21( = 3 x 7). Normal human internal body temperature in Celsius. A prime number. A centered hexagonal number. My age.
-111- Total number of monkeys in vertical row. 7 in binary numbers. 73 in octal numbers. 37 x 3 = 111.
-777- Total domino tiles used. Triple seven represents ‘Threefold Perfection of the Trinity’. An ‘administrator role’ in Unix operation system.
-2331- Total Monkeys in the artwork. 111 + 222 + 333 + 444 + 555 + 666 = 2331. Unicode-2331 ; a symbol for ‘Dimensions Origin’.
-299792458- Includes 73 as prime factor. Speed of light traveling in vacuum.
-149597870700- Includes 73 as prime factor. A distance to the sun from earth. 1AU = 149597870700m; the astronomical unit.

“There is nothing without a reason.”
– Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz


・三猿の起源はいまだに解明されておらず、古代インド、古代エジプトにも同様のシンボルが発見されている。有力な説として古代インド神話のハヌマーンが由 来であるとされ、このハヌマーン自体は太陽と深い関係を持つ。日本で有名な三猿は日光東照宮に存在するが、こちらも「日光」という太陽に縁のある神社に祀 られている。又、漢字の「神」という文字は部首を分解すると示(しめす)・申(さる)となり、ここにも猿が現れる。



背面には三猿が敷き詰められており、猿の個数の合計は2331体(777牌 x 3猿)である。この数の特徴として、

・2331 = 111 + 222 + 333 + 444 + 555 + 666

結果この作品の中には111 から 666そして総数となる777まで7種類のゾロ目が内包されているということになる。

・古代ヒンズー教の聖典バーガヴァタ・プラーナ(6巻16章37) には宇宙は7つのレイヤーで構成されていると記述されている

これらの要素が指し示しているものが何かと考察しているうちに、ぼんやりとした光の集合体が脳裏に浮かんだ。それらは宇宙空間に散らばる恒星のようでもあ り、極小の世界に動き回る原子のようにも感じた。音が伝わる前の光の姿、すなわち「静寂の中の光」こそがこの作品の要素が示す共通項であると解釈し象徴とした。

w 98.1 x h 93.4 x d 2.2 cm
Wooden dominoes, plexiglass / 2015

The work resembles our universal principle of ’cause and effect’ using domino tiles. The domino used in this piece is antique 1950’s toy from former West Germany, that has ‘three wise monkeys’ embossed on back side of each tile. Through this coincidence, I started to investigate into symbolic meaning and the numbers representing in this artwork. Coincidences created an interesting story, which I understood as a universal code. I have hidden inside the artwork as ‘Code of Silence’.

